"Taking a LARGE switch and embedding Bluetooth electronics inside was MY idea. Others (i.e. "ED") have copied me. I still make the best one (false modesty aside!) and update it as needed. And I'm *always* available for troubleshooting and advice." RJ
This is a LARGE (5") switch (button) with my Bluetooth Switch Interface (BSS) for iPad and tablets inside, so it can directly Connect to iPads/tablets, to control 'switch-friendly' apps and some global aspects of an iPad. Switch-friendly apps are those written by developers in the Assistive Technology or AAC field, and are 'looking' for specific signals that my BSI transmits (space/enter). There are about 80 switch-friendly apps. A list can be found by clicking here.
Also, any iPod Touch, iPhone, or Android device's music can be controlled as well as Switch Control (I-devices) or Android's switch accessibility.
It is available as single channel/switch or 2 channel/switch (w/switch input for a second switch for 'step scanning').
The BSS has a rechargeable battery (charge via USB adapter, such as your iPad's and an included charging cable).