iPad & Computer Accessories for Special Needs
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Tablet/iPad HandPointer

Tablet/iPad HandPointer


"Love the iPad!  Love how it's changed our fields of AT/AAC so radically! But people that cannot point with a finger cannot access the beautiful interface and computing experience, from instructional materials, to web surfing, email, Facebook, Twitter, and all that able-bodied persons take for granted." RJ


For those that find accessing the iPad directly ('direct select') to be a challenge, but don't want to resort to an assistive device (such as my iPad VoiceOver Controller, or a switch interface that gives 'global' ipad access), then, if they have fine motor control over their hand, I can *give* them a pointer finger! ;-)

With my spiffy loop fastener strap, that secures around the hand *and* the wrist, and can be cut to need, my HandPointer can be positioned in many positions with its hook fastening material.

Now you *might* need a mount to hold the iPad/tablet in just the right position.  Consider one my Tablet Mounts, please.

* A note about skin contact with the stylus:  You can see that skin contact with the stylus is automatic just by the way the stylus emerges through the fingers.  With the stylus intact, skin contact is actually not even necessary, making this a 'capacitive' handpointer.  When you shorten the stylus, skin contact is necessary.  But it happens anyway, so you don't need to do anything special at all :-)


My Tablet/iPad HandPointer is the product you didn't think you need, but once you have it, something you won't want to live without.

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