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Electronic Aid for Daily Living (EADL) Package

$0.00 - $199.00

"My contribution is a low-cost system (compared to $500-$2000!) that is simple. And it's quite full-featured.  The reason is that it is PC-based, so much of the 'work' is taken up by the computer. I created this sytem back in 2005 and it's still viable, practical, compatible with new Windows PC's/tablets." RJ


Over the years, people have asked me to create a very simple, and affordable ECU (now called EADL) package for PC's.  I wanted an all-in-one product would enable control of all IR (infrared) devices (stereo, cable, DVD, etc.) AND X-10 adapted appliances (read on).

When I created my Auggie portable AAC devices (tablet-based; long before iPads ;-), I wanted to include, at no charge, good AAC software ("PTP-PC"), so that you didn't have to purchase yet another program.  I kept in mind that I wanted to also use the Auggie as an ECU/EADL.  So when I developed my PTP-PC, I built in the EADL capabilities.

But after many requests, I'm now offering just the EADL part of the software, PTP-PC for EADL, here.  And since we are using a PC (laptop, desktop, or tablet, like my Auggie), all alternate input devices are supported, such as joystick, switch, and many others!

There are 3 possible components, the first 2 make up the "EADL Package."  The 3rd is optional.


Back in 2005, I found a very small USB-to-IR adapter that can be attached by ultra-strong VELCRO® BRAND fastener to my devices or some surface and operated, with some modifications that we did, on my PTP-PC AAC software that comes on my Auggies.  It worked great!  The Auggies didn't even need to be pointed at the devices!  This device comes with an 12" or 36" USB cable.  Communication with the PC is not wireless.  Communication (IR sending) is wireless (Infrared, "IR"), of course.

Then I thought, why not make this generally available to those even without an Auggie. And poof, the "EADL Package" was born!

1) Plug in the USB-to-IR adapter.
2) Download and install the USB-to-IR driver software.
3) Train it for your existing desired remotes/commands (I've made this really simple and it actually *works*!).
4) Point it in the general direction of the IR devices.
4) Load the PTP-PC for EADL software.
6) Away you go!

2) But without great software, the above hardware wouldn't do that much.  Here are the relevent screen shots of setup in PTP-PC for EADL for the EADL Package.

3) IR-to-Insteon Adapter

Now, never being satisfied, I also wanted users to be able to control actual appliances, such as lights, fans, etc., I needed lamp/appliance control. At that time,  X10 was the tried-and-tested adapter system for almost everything electrically operated in the home, even some things that you would never think could be operated electrically (check out SmartHome).  Now it's Insteon to accomplish the same thing.

With the addition of the IR-to-Insteon Adapter, PTP-PC for EADL sends IR signals, through the USB-UIRT adapter, TO the IR-to-Insteon Adapter.  That adapter, which plugs into your wall socket, sends ultrasonic signals through your house AC wiring, to lamp and/or appliance Modules that have your desired appliance/light/etc. plugged into them.  There are even in-wall Insteon Modules.  The system is seamless and works beautifully, for very little money!


You can get many other Insteon adapters at SmartHome.com.

My Electronic Aid for Daily Living (EADL) Package is the product you didn't think you need, but once you have it, something you won't want to live without.

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