iPad & Computer Accessories for Special Needs
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iPad/Tablet HeadPointer

iPad/Tablet HeadPointer

$20.00 - $129.00

"Love the iPad!  Love how it's changed our fields of AT/AAC so radically!  Love that people that can point with a finger can access a beautiful interface and computing experience, from instructional materials, to web surfing, email, Facebook, Twitter, and all that able-bodied persons take for granted.
However, the touchscreen of iPads/tablets requires a fingertip touch, or some device that 'looks' like a fingertip to the device. And that's where I come in ;-)"  RJ


This HeadPointer's is capacitive, that is, it 'magically' creates an electrical path for the iPad/tablet screen to 'think' a fingertip is touching it.

The HeadPointer that Debbi & Marcel are wearing may look a bit strange, but no stranger, and certainly a lot more comfortable, than headpointers that have chin straps and are elastic.  Mine is easily adjustable a with a *dial* (yea!), and very stable.

No skin contact with the stylus is necessary. Very cool!

Now you *will* need a mount to hold the iPad/tablet in just the right position.  Consider one my Tablet Mounts, please.

My iPad/Tablet HeadPointer is a sensational customer favorite, and we hope you like it just as much.

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