"I've received some great feedback on the 1" round Compact Switch I'm using with Flopper Stopper and my Mini-Arm, so I've decided to offer this switch for purchase by itself." RJ
This is the "Spec Switch" by Ablenet. It comes with a VELCRO® BRAND strap that can be wrapped around a body or wheelchair part. A unique use of it is for someone that can squeeze their fist/hand. My 'super' VELCRO® BRAND Strap secures it into the hand as pictured above, and the Compact Switch lies in the center of the palm. Very small closures of the hand, from an almost-closed position, yield a nice audible and tactile 'click'.
My Compact "Spec" Switch is the product you didn't think you need, but once you have it, something you won't want to live without.